Image by a VeCeS Veo… via Flickr
Written by Karen D. Swim
I received an email newsletter and video from BrandU this week. In the video, Kim Castle shared a story about a Native American Long Dance ceremony and tied the lessons she learned to being an entrepreneur. I was struck by a comment she made regarding purpose and its role in the entrepreneurial mindset. Kim noted that the leader of the ceremony was “on purpose.” She had a tangible vision and determination. She was not asking the market what they wanted or how they wanted to be marketed to, but followed her purpose. The result? People flock to the ceremonies and they continue to grow nearly two decades later.
We are bombarded with messages that tell us the how, why, should and must of business. Much of the information is solid but blindly applying it can be deadly to your spirit and your business. Here are 3 reasons why Purpose is essential in business (and life!):
The court of public opinion is sometimes wrong. If you ask people what they want and how they want it, they may give you what they want but not necessarily what they need. Let’s face it we’re all pretty good at Monday Morning quarterbacking but so often we would not follow our own advice! Results don’t always come the easy way. When you have a clear and definitive purpose you are able to put feedback, suggestions and opinions in the right context.
Purpose breeds consistency. A clear determination to live “on purpose” provides a steadfast inner compass that will help you maintain consistency in action and results. When you are clear on your “why I do this” it will guide you in your day to day business activities. You will not take shortcuts, or compromise your standards. People can count on you to do what you say over and over. In business and life, your reputation is everything.
Purpose gives you a solid foundation. I have been acutely aware of this recently. Many are reacting to the economic climate with depression and desperation. Admittedly, it is challenging to filter out the negative information and soldier on, even tougher on a slippery foundation. However, when you are assured and committed to your purpose you can stand on that rock solid foundation. Your purpose will keep you grounded in good and bad times. Your plans, decisions and actions will not be driven by temporary conditions but your purpose. The storms may rage all around you but purpose is your lighthouse.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, employee, blogger or stay at home parent, life requires you to have strength of character. Without it you risk being tossed to and fro by the whims of life. Purpose keeps you connected with your internal compass, vision and values. It will not prevent you from ever making mistakes (I can personally validate this fact!) but will provide an objective standard to get you back on track when you blow it.
Are you clear on your purpose? Have you ever compromised your purpose out of fear or public pressure? What were the results? The mic is on and it’s your turn. Share your insights, comments and experiences. It’s fun to discuss and learn. 🙂
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Karen Swim says
Hi Will, thank you for your comments! I can completely relate. In the past I tended to focus on what others needed, including my clients without examining it against my own purpose. I will not say I have perfected the practice though! I do require those occasional “tune-ups.” 🙂
Will P. says
Great perspective on focus and purpose. For a long time, I looked to find what my clients needed by asking them. My primary focus has always been client success before mine, so I tend to listen more than talk to identify the problem and provide a solution. Your article touches on the aspect of knowing my purpose: client success is first and foremost. What ever I need to do to make that happen is the focus. Thank you for a great article!
Karen Swim says
Jon, thank you!! Your words mean the world to me! You know I think you rock too! 🙂
Jon says
Karen, you rock! What a fresh perspective on the old “fail to plan, plan to fail” and more…! Cheers, Jon (love your blog!)
Karen Swim says
@Melissa, I find you very purposeful! 🙂 I signed up for NaNoWriMo, wanna be my buddy?
@Evelyn, I like that “purpose can be empowering.” That is such a profound truth, empowering and liberating. Wise words from a wise woman. 🙂
@Joanna, very keen insight! When you combine purpose with positive intention you have a very powerful combination. I love it! I missed you but never a need for apologies between friends. 🙂
Joanna Young says
Karen, I would tend to align purpose with positive intention – which makes for an even more powerful purpose, achieving something outside of yourself, that will contribute towards a better world even in the smallest of ways.
For me, writing with pupose and intention is the best kind of writing, and I see no reason not to carry on the same principles to business and yes, to life!
PS Sorry not been around – mixture of lack of time and internet access
Joanna Youngs last blog post..October Theme: Writing With Responsibility
Karen Swim says
@Debra, welcome and thanks so much for reading and commenting! 🙂
@Brad, I think one of the things that has helped me is not adapting to marketplace chaos. Being steadfast in your purpose does enable you to innovate and update but not be pulled in every direction. Many are now in panic mode, not a good way to do business. Remain true to your “why” and allow that to guide your decisions not whether the Dow is up or down. 🙂
@Brandon, a big warm Hello and Welcome! I love your attitude Brandon and your statements really lend a welcomed perspective. You are in a business that many have abandoned out of fear and panic yet I agree with you it is possible to prosper in the dry season. You are an inspiration! Yes, gripping my purpose and going out to kick some butt! 🙂
@Andrew, you are right, purpose does not equate with rigidity but a solid barometer that prevents you from making decisions out of fear or trend. Purpose helps you to remain tuned in and listening to those internal drivers. Being driven externally is a surefire way to be robbed of peace. You are doing such good work on your own blog Andrew, it truly does seem a purposeful work. I’d love to hear if you are still on track with your own personal goals. Drop a line and let us know? 😉
Andrew says
Hi Karen.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
Purpose, I think, is a crucial element to living a life of value, satisfaction, and achievement.
I have observed that those people whom I know personally who have a clear purpose and vision tend to be considerably more proactive than those without. You can sense someone with purpose, they have a certain energy about them, through the good times and also the tough times.
When problems and challenges arise, purpose driven individuals soon get the team back on track.
I agree with Brad’s point about adaptability. It is imperative not to become rigid in your approach toward achieving your goals, and to stay open minded to alternative approaches.
But I think that it is possible to both purpose driven whilst being flexible and adaptable in your approach toward achieving your goal at the same time.
That said, it’s been awhile since I looked at my own goals. I must revisit them to see if I am still on track.
Evelyn Lim says
Having a sense of purpose can be pretty empowering. We know when to stop ourselves in the face of distractions. Purpose helps guide us in the general direction of where we really would like to go. Like you said, we also tend not to be so easily swayed nor feel compelled to bow down to pressure.
I can get unfocused. What has helped me is finding out what my purpose is and getting onto that path towards it.
Evelyn Lims last blog post..How Would You Cross The River?
Melissa Donovan says
I actually think that one of my strengths is that I keep my purpose in mind. There are plenty of other things that sidetrack me, however. I especially think consistency is important because it keeps things clear and simple. Purpose. I like that word.
Melissa Donovans last blog post..October News and Announcements
Brandon Alan says
I am more clear on my purpose today than ever before. There have been times in the past and present where I’ve shut down and put away that special thing inside that wanted to grow simply because I wanted to do it “my way” and felt like the “calling” that I felt so attracted to would not be the ideal decision for the moment. It’s kind of like going to a horse race and with a supernatural ability, you know that Horse #1 is going to win but you place your bid on Horse #2… how brilliant is that?
As of today I am learning to appreciate each day and not judge each decision that I’ve made (Good or Bad) and I now look at each decision and opportunity I’ve taken as the “purpose” for that moment in time so that something greater would be born from within. Like Wayne Dyer says, “There aren’t any problems in life, you just create one”.
As for the economy and what’s happening today I feel like it’s the best thing for the financial market. PURE OPPORTUNITY! For those that have complained about their financial hardships and ” people aren’t given me an opportunity to make it”… that’s a bunch of crap! Excuse me.. But as a Real Estate Investor I know that the next 3-6 years will be the best time EVER for middle class American’s to change their financial status.. For those that complain about having bad credit and no money… all I can say is open your eyes, look around, you touch money everyday! Go figure it out..
People, step out side the “box of fear and panic” that you are living inside and look at today’s economy as Opportunity. Here’s a good example as for why I don’t feel pity for people’s issues: I know of a lady that’s physically blind but managed to find a way to assemble her team and generates upwards of $40k per month as a real estate investor!
What about my good friend that’s one of the worlds top Internet Marketers… He dropped out of high school in the 10th grade, has ADD, and barely holds on to a high school education but manages to make $175k per month online… This is no hype.. These are real people that wanted success so bad that they molded an opportunity given to them into their “purpose” and now gives millions away to charities each year..
Now, Go find your Purpose! I dare You!
Brandon Alans last blog post..Spend a Rainy Day at the Auction to Learn Real Estate Investing
Brad Shorr says
Karen, sometimes it’s a tough call between staying focused and adapting to marketplace changes. Right now, I think there’s way too much panic and fear in the marketplace to do much of anything except ride it out. That being the case, staying true to your purpose is exactly the thing to do. Absolutely.
Brad Shorrs last blog post..Thank You, Silent Readers
Debra Dalgleish says
Thanks Karin, this is a timely reminder to review what’s important to us, and to our business.