There is a point where in the mystery of
existence contradictions meet;
where movement is not all movement
and stillness is not all stillness;
where the idea and the form,
the within and the without, are united;
where infinite becomes finite,
yet not losing its infinity.–Tagore
Standing outside with a cup of tea in hand I lifted my face to the sun enjoying the warmth of its rays. A soft breeze caressed my face and lifted my hair. The silence of the day was only broken by birds chirping overhead as they carried twigs and blades of dry grass to build a nest for their young. I lowered my face from the sun and allowed the stillness of the day to infuse me with its peace. I realized that this was the first time in a long while that I had not been in motion.
April was a month of movement. My mind, body, senses, being were in a constant state of motion as I responded to the events of the month. Even as I slept, my mind was active and often my body twitched in fractured sleep. Yet, all of the motion had not moved me forward. Confronted by barriers personal and professional, my kinetic energy had failed to move them. But now in absolute stillness, I was finally in forward motion.
As I look back on April I now realize that it was not an unfruitful month but a necessary stop in a year that has been filled with movement. Now, I am ready once again to move forward pursuing my purpose and passion with renewed energy. May will be a month of purposeful movement and one I intend to share with all of you.
This month I want to choose purposeful action that will help me to move forward in my pursuit of my goals. Measured steps that are thoughtful but powerful as they propel me in the direction I wish to go. How do we take those steps? How do we concentrate our actions to achieve our goals? Is it possible to eliminate unnecessary steps? These are all questions and topics I’d like to explore in the coming days.
If there are questions and topics that you’d like to explore please share them with me. And of course if you have an idea for a blog post, guest posts are always gratefully welcomed.
Consider this your personal invite to pull up a chair and pop in throughout the month. If you like what you’re reading, I’d love it if you’d pass it on.
Words For Hire says
Amy what a beautiful illustration. As your daughter attempted to swim with one arm, I am also certain she expended more energy and tired faster. Purposeful movement allows us to focus our energies so becomes more fluid and less exhausting. I love the pool analogy and it has me energized and thinking all before 7 am! Wow, thank you Amy!
liveslessordinary says
What a beautiful post, Karen. I’m reminded of being in the swimming pool with my daughter on Monday. I was trying to teach her how to swim, but she was insisting on holding her nose with one hand and swimming with the other. Of course, despite a whole lot of splashing in which arms, legs and water went flying everywhere, she stayed in one place. Eventually I managed to get her to stop and watch me. I went to the middle of the pool and stayed there treading water, then I launched myself through the water, my limbs moving in time with each other, effecting that purposeful movement you write of here. The next time she tried it, she let go of her nose and with a few strokes was further than she had ever managed before. Through observation, facing a fear and self-correction, she moved forward.
I look forward to moving forward with you this month, Karen.
sikantis says
Wonderful! Thanks!
Words For Hire says
@jyotsana, thank you so much for reading and commenting! It never ceases to amaze me how we find each other in this vast blogosphere. I am so grateful that your cyberjourney led you here. 🙂
jyotsana says
hi karen i m reading your blog for the first time today..and i liked it…that bit of poem by Tagore…and the way you’ve described your physical/mental state was a good reading.
Words For Hire says
@Janice, I’m so glad our paths has crossed and really appreciate you stopping in. 🙂 You are so right about the balance of stillness and action, it is something I work on every day and sometimes I even get it right. 🙂
@Wendi, I am thrilled for your whirlwhind – Whoo hoo! I am feeling the same way about this month. It is a good time to reflect back, celebrate in gratitude, and readjust for the second half of the year. Attaining goals only fuels us to set more, and often bigger goals. I am so glad that we have found one another and can link arms in support and cheers as we continue our forward momentum.
wendikelly says
Hi Karen,
I spent a good deal of Quiet time this morning reviewing my goals 2008 goals against rhe reality of the first 4 months and looking down the road toward the summer. It really has been a whirlwind. I had no idea that when I said “use my creative gifts to make a difference” that I would wake up one day and go *lightbulb moment* I think I’ll start a blog!” It feels now that May can be the month where I find my sense of balance again.
I hope so. I like the fact that I am meeting Like-minded friends to travel down the road with.
Janice C. Cartier says
It’s a knock your socks off morning isn’t it? Cherry blossoms are blooming over at Paris Breakfasts too. I wanted to stop over and say hi. I’ve been enjoying your comments every where our paths have crossed. Lovely post. lovely words. Stillness and action. We balance the two. All best, Jan
Words For Hire says
Hi Ellen! No cherry blossoms in California, my gosh we were missing out! I agree with you. Sometimes we’re just “busy” but the activity is not productive for our lives or business. I just read Copyblogger’s post today which adds a whole new motivation for me this month. Check it out, it is inspiring. I love Spring and I think it’s not just the weather but as you pointed out the rebirth and renewal. It’s a season where hope is renewed and you feel fueled to pursue your dreams. I hope this month we all move forward to attaining our desires.
Ellen Wilson says
Ah, the cherry blossoms.
Well, you know I’m always big on promoting you Karen!
I like your ideas on eliminating unnecessary steps. Sometimes we think we need to do everything in a certain order, or a certain way, but it might not be the case.
I think after winter, spring is the time that we begin to grow and realize this. Even if we have had a period of crazy activity, spring has this connotation of renewal. I would like to hear more of your ideas of what you are going to do with this renewal. Thanks. E