“Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way”
Lyrics, My Way, Frank Sinatra
This song was recorded in 1968 but singing it today makes me feel like I can go out and take the world by storm, on my own terms.
The blogosphere is glutted with “me too” content. Landing pages, ebooks and blogs all screaming the same message in the same way. Yet, there are still those that may operate in a niche but are doing it in their own way.
Penelope Trunk is a career columnist for the Boston Globe, and author of Brazen Careerist: The New Rules For Success. Her Brazen Careerist blog breaks from the pack by shamelessly sharing career and life advice. Trunk has boldly shared the details of her life in forums traditionally reserved for business only.
Angela Stevens blogs about life and she does it on her own terms. She is not afraid to tackle tough topics and does not shy away from sharing her thoughts and beliefs. She is gracious, funny and fierce. A recent post about Blog Snobs and Slobs had me checking my layout and attitude.
Amy Derby is the voice of Write From Home. Amy is not trying to set the blogosphere on fire. She has a successful writing career and blogs for passion rather than traffic. Her writing is sometimes in your face and often liberally sprinkled with raw language but always honest, and powerful.
The beauty of each of these women is that they don’t care what you think. They don’t need anyone to agree with their opinions or choices. They are confident enough to follow their own voice. In a world of posers afraid to take risks, Penelope, Angela and Amy are fiercely doing it their way.
Have a fierce Friday!
Photo Credit: Buzia, Flickr
Words For Hire says
Ellen, I am so glad we can inspire one another. I wasn’t feeling very fierce on Friday either, so it helps to have friends like you to give me that shot of courage too. Thanks Ellen for your friendship and support. It is not taken for granted.
ellen wilson says
Karen, I know I can always rely on you for great words and great links. You shine like a diamond. And what I love about you is that you also shine the light on others.
Don’t feel so fierce today, but I come here to get my courage.
Thanks, my friend. E