Written by Karen D. Swim
Have you ever noticed how every season has its own rhythm, its own unique flow? Summer with longer days and warmer weather has an upbeat but casual rhythm. Rays streaming through the window in the morning are energizing, encouraging you to get up and get moving. However those same rays during the work day can be distracting as they beckon you to come out and play.
This week Ellen Wilson wrote about “the flow.” For many achieving flow in summer is a challenge because of the various distractions. For others, the combination of fun and work is exactly what is needed to achieve flow.
In summer we tend to lighten up. From clothing to food to reading choices, we shed layers and allow ourselves to have a little fun. Many of us find ourselves playing hooky in summer to take a stroll, go for a run in the park, play a few holes of golf, or go to the beach. We give in to that little voice that says “Let’s play!” We take vacations with the family, visit amusement parks, and have impromptu backyard cook-outs. It is a season when we achieve what eludes us during most of the year – balance.
Summer is the perfect time of year to regain a more balanced life and schedule. We can let go of the language that holds us captive in other seasons – “I must,” “I should,”and “I have to” change to “I can,” “I get to,” and “I choose to.” It is a shift that would serve us well all year.
Imagine being faced with a looming deadline and an invitation to attend a Springsteen (insert your performer of choice here) concert where you will have front row seats and backstage passes. In your non-summer language you might say “I can’t, I have to meet this deadline.” Ah, but it’s summer, so instead your internal voice says, “How can I find a way to meet this deadline and go to the concert?” By changing your language, your brain now fixes on solutions and you are empowered with the freedom to choose.
We all respond better when we are in the position of making a choice rather than having one forced upon us. The good news is that you can rock the power of sunshine year round by adopting a mindset of choice and balance. Your Monday Morning blues can become Monday Morning Choose. You hop out of bed (or rise slowly if that’s your thing) equipped with the power of choice. You can either “get to” go to work or “have to.” The choice is yours.
What about you? Are you able to maintain a healthy balance year round? Does summer mean more playtime for you? Feel free to play and chat in the comments. 🙂