Ivory Soap has a new ad campaign When Dirt Changes.
The ad reads: When Dirt Changes Its Formula, So Will We, Pure and Simple. The ad does a nice job of positioning a long standing brand as relevant today even in the face of so many new soap products.
The Pure and Simple tagline resonated with me. Unlike Ivory, so many of us change the foundation of what we do to keep up with the bright and shiny objects that occupy our space. What if we approached our social media tactics with a pure and simple mindset? Or our marketing? What would happen if we focused less on gadgets and numbers and more on the pure and simple formula of building relationships?
Having a pure and simple formula does not limit you to a single approach but provides you with a foundation that can be applied consistently. While there are specific marketing and social media tactics that can and should be applied, your foundation should acknowledge that the formula for developing relationships with people remains unchanged.
We can over complicate when we focus more on tactics, gadgets and tools than on people. The pure and simple approach keeps us on track and the focus on what is truly important.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you think pure and simple has a place in today’s world? How do you stay on track with your efforts?