Written by Karen D. Swim
I emerged from the underground studio to a crowd of people. I had only been there a short time, where did all these people come from? As I tried to make my way through, holding tightly to my zip files, hands grabbed at me as whispers rose from the crowd.
She worked with the Pen Men, they did her redesign. How did she get them? I heard they were booked for years. Well, I heard that it’s really four of them, that’s how James manages to be everywhere at one time.
I blinked from the blare of bulbs flashing, secretly hoping they caught my good side. As I pressed on toward home, people shouted, “What are they like? Does James do all the talking? Are they really that good?” I stopped in my tracks, looking toward the crowd, flashing a huge grin and replied, “You’ll just have to see for yourself.”
Yes, I am the proud recipient of a legendary Men With Pens design. I floated in their orbit as I got up close and personal with the magic of the Pen Men. And because I love you all so much, you don’t have to wait for the Behind the Music VH1 special because I’m willing to dish on the delightful duo.
“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.” –Peter Drucker
Unlike a VH1 Special, I have no dark tales. Harry and James are really good at what they do. However, their true genius is in how they make you feel as a client. I had to keep checking my head to make sure I was not wearing a tiara. They ask questions and then they listen…really listen. They listen with their ears, eyes and hearts. Somehow they catch what is articulated and what is only dreamed. They take it all in with patience and gentleness, offering guidance when needed. They then quietly retreat to their super secret laboratory and somehow make sense of your random thoughts, ideas and snippets of sentences.
The process is fast. They walk behind the curtain and “poof” a finished vision appears with the wave of a wand. However, the true magic is their ability to help you to see your business not only as it is today but what it can be tomorrow.
Do they live up to the hype? Oh yea, it’s even better than what you’ve heard. I got rid of ugly blog syndrome forever but most importantly, I caught the vision of who I could be. For that I am eternally grateful to Harry and James and their magic pens.
How do you deliver magic to your clients?