Written by Karen D. Swim
For years I have participated in consumer research panels, testing new things and filling out surveys but it was all confidential. When I was presented with the opportunity through FuelMyBlog to test out a new product and share my opinion publicly, I was excited to give it a try.
Disclosure: I am not being paid for the product review. I received the product free of charge and was directed to simply try it and write my honest opinion.
The product I was sent to test is Smooth Away, a hair removal system. Admittedly the picture on the box of a woman buffing hair gave me pause. However, I wanted to honor my commitment to test the product so bravely opened the box.For years I have participated in consumer research panels, testing new things and filling out surveys but it was all confidential. When I was presented with the opportunity through FuelMyBlog to test out a new product and share my opinion publicly, I was excited to give it a try.
The product came with two buffing applicators, one that was slightly larger than the palm of my hand, and a smaller applicator that resembled a doll sized flip-flop shoe. Both were pink. There were five pads in each of the two sizes, a bright green carrying pouch, and a large tube of moisturizer.
The pads were surprisingly smooth to the touch. I pulled the adhesive backing from one of the large pads and applied it to the buffing tool. I slipped the tool over my hand and gently buffed my leg in a small clockwise circle three times per the instructions before moving to the next area. I rubbed my leg and was surprised to find it completely hair free. The smaller applicator was designed for the face and uneven areas such as the knee or ankle. However, I was able to use the large applicator on my entire leg.
I rubbed the moisturizer on my finished leg. I felt a slight tingle but no pain or discomfort. The instructions warn to use a light touch. I did the next leg with a lighter touch and there was not even a slight tingle.
I tried the product under my arms but was unsuccessful. I even rubbed just a bit harder but was reluctant to continue for a long period for fear of irritation. I do not have any facial hair so could not test it there.
One week later, my legs are still silky smooth. I was skeptical but the product lived up to its promise, smoothing the hair away instantly and pain free on my legs. In all honesty, shaving doesn’t bother me much but after using Smooth Away I’d definitely be willing to buy replacement pads and use it again. I like the way my legs feel even a week later and it took no more time than shaving. You can get more information on the product here.