- Image by …-Wink-… via Flickr
In today’s culture many are comfortable with simply “hooking up.” A hook up bypasses the niceties that build intimacy over time and instead fast tracks to the end result without a commitment for a repeat performance. The motto seems to be “try, no need to buy.” Willing participants consent to mutual sampling and seemingly avoid the risk of effort without reward that comes from the pursuit of commitment. Hook-ups however are not without their own risks and messy complications.
Old fashioned relationships have a different rhythm and pacing. Seduction is slow and deliberate like a smooth jazz tune on a hot summer night. Romance ignites the embers of desire that are gently stoked until they become a rousing fire whose hot flames lick at the boundaries of reason. But unlike a hook up commitment quenches the flame while carefully preserving the fire. It is the dance of just enough until you have weaved a cord of trust that pulls you into an embrace.
In business the hook up is the drive by marketing attempt – a message that is sprayed upon thousands, an open invitation for anyone with interest. There is no first date, barely an introduction as your pursuer leads you from “hello” to the Garden of Eden. The pursuer has an itch – to make money – and will get it scratched by any willing participant. There is no small talk and no attempt to create even the façade of a relationship.
The business that is interested in commitment is willing to romance you. They want to get to know you because they are as picky as you are about giving away their intimacy. In this pursuit you are the object of interest. The committed business will engage you in conversation and will share details so that you get to know them too. They understand that building a relationship takes effort, and that effort is worth it to win customers that will be more than a one night stand.
In your business marketing are you hooking up or pursuing commitment? Hook-ups can be costly as you will constantly have to pursue new customers. While the effort of commitment can appear daunting in the end it is not only more effective but cost efficient. There is overwhelming quantifiable validation that it costs far less to keep an existing customer than to win a new one.
Hook-ups may win you some business but commitment will help you to build a sustainable business with long term customers. What choice are you making in your own business?