Written by Karen D. Swim
“Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats. Yet each struggle, each defeat, sharpens your skills and strengths, your courage and your endurance, your ability and your confidence and thus each obstacle is a comrade-in-arms forcing you to become better…or quit.”—From The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino
Can you imagine your life without obstacles? Go ahead close your eyes and envision your life completely free of challenges? You may have smiled as you imagined a trouble free zone without stress of any kind. The thought of a challenge free life is appealing until you start to examine the consequences.
If everything was easy, we would never push ourselves to reach higher. Strengths and talents would go undiscovered and we would simply live in complacency. Where’s the fun in that?
As I look back over my own life, those darn obstacles have been my greatest teachers. Obstacles have forced me to overcome fears and try new things. They have moved me from a comfort zone to greater discoveries of my abilities and myself. Obstacles have not blocked my progress instead, they have opened new paths for me to travel and given me just the right tools to navigate the road.
As you consider your own life, I am sure that you have countless examples of the good that came from challenge. I am acutely aware that there is no testimony without a test. We have all benefited from being students of adversity. Yet, with every new obstacle is the potential to forget that it is a “comrade-in-arms.” There are challenges that we believe we simply cannot face down and we get scared and want to quit.
Quitting is always an option, of course but it really is not a solution. You may forego the immediate discomfort, but the lingering impact is far more damaging. You will never build up your endurance to challenge if you simply quit. In the same way that regular workouts make you stronger and faster, obstacles are the weights that build your faith muscles. Each workout makes you stronger, better and more confident.
Embrace your obstacle, it is your partner in success. Use it to make you tougher, smarter and better. You will never regret facing a challenge but it is almost certain you will regret quitting.
How do you deal with your obstacles? Please share your thoughts and insight in the comments box. Remember you don’t have to be a blogger or even have a website to join in the discussion, everyone can comment.
How we rise above the obstacles is what makes us who we are. I ventured into self-employment three years ago, and have been faced with many challenges, and have changed directions on my way. One thing I have learned is not to fear failure – because each “failure” brings me one step closer to success.
Luke, we don’t always like them but you’re so right, coasting through life carefree would be so boring and by human nature we would never push ourselves beyond what was absolutely necessary.
Life without obstacles sounds absolutely boring.
Luke Gedeon´s last blog post..Forgotten Photos – Part 3
Blessings to you and thanks so much for the wonderful thoughts! You are never too late, whenever you arrive your thoughts are welcomed. I wish you all the best in the coming year!
Sorry this reply comes a bit too late… I stumbled upon this only today!!
Karen, wonderful post this! Obstacles are different for different people. What I see as an obstacle may not be an obstacle for another. Its all in the mind – So if I encounter an obstacle, but step back and re-phrase that as a “learning tool” and embrace it – it is just that. It would teach me things that “success” wouldn’t have.
By the way, you must bless us readers with a post on the difference between success and failure, Karen!!!
Blessings to you and all readers!!
Friar, I’m sorry about your ex and what she went through. People do react differently to grief. I only hope that she was able to work through that challenge and emerge a stronger person.
Melissa, I know what’s the deal with that! If they came one at a time spaced out really super far, it would be so much easier. Ah well, life challenge is the source of great writing inspiration, eh?
Meryl, oh yes! I have thrown those parties complete with banners and streamers. You are so right we must feel it and move on. Hopefully if we can’t do that on our own friends and family will drag us out of that rut. 🙂
No matter how good we are at working through difficult times or situations, we all have our pity parties from time to time. That’s human nature. The trick is to move on and not get in a rut — at least not for too long.
Meryl K. Evanss last blog post..Last Day to Win Prizes!
Yes, obstacles do come in bunches, as Friar said. Why do they pile up like that? It would be so much easier to deal with them one at a time. I heard a saying that life will give us as many challenges as we each are able to bear. I believe each of us experiences a test to our threshold. I always try to learn. It seems that’s the one constant when it comes to life’s difficulties.
Melissa Donovans last blog post..When it All Comes Crashing Down
An ex-girlfriend I had years ago was the complete opposite.
When her Dad was dying of cancer, she was very angry at the world and she often took it out on me. I had to constantly walk on eggshells, I couldnt’ talk about anything trivial, because her dad was dying. It was not an easy relationship, it eventually failed.
You were amazingly open-minded and strong about your friends talking about their “minor problems” when your husband was ill.
Not too many people have this kind of patience and understanding.
Friars last blog post..Friar’s Random Rants
Jen!!! I am so excited for you! You are so talented and I am so glad that you are making an investment in yourself. Welcome to the land of freedom, where we sometimes have a little less but gosh darnit we are always happy with our choices! 🙂
Ulla, I am so sorry for your loss. You are right that obstacles are different and require different steps to handling. When my husband was dying of cancer, friends were afraid to talk to me about their “minor” problems. However, I pointed out to them that a mountain is a mountain no matter what it’s called. I would not dare judge something as less of a challenge or “minor” because for that person it may be the biggest challenge they have ever faced. Having a good support system for the little and small is always a comfort (and for the smaller challenges, well a little chocolate doesn’t hurt!). 🙂
I think there are such and such obstacles. If I may put it brutally: there’s a difference between having to deal with a loved one’s death (as I had last year) and with the breakdown of a computer / car. In the first case you really need help and support from outside in order to get the feeling that you are not alone to carry the burden. In the second case you can see it as a challenge and a thing to learn from (the next time I will backup my important files!).
Ulla Hennigs last blog post..Blue blossoms – sharp and blurry
Hey Karen!
How well timed this article is for me! I have recently left the corporate world to pursue my dream and there are obstacles that are coming up (mostly financial) but I have decided that the cost of not going for it is just too great. I’ve come too far… and it’s all too exciting! (like Indiana Jones or something!)
I envision my end goal laughing on an episode of my show about how I “sweated” a little when I was jobless. Then, any obstacles that I may have to overcome will just add color to the story of following my heart.
Very nice writing.
Oh, …sure, I have obstacles. But I don’t think they’re any worse than anyone else’s.
We tend to think everyone else has their act together except us…look how happy they are…wow, they have it so easy.
But everyone’s got their demons to fight. You dont’ know that these people arent’ fighting clinical depression, or they’re going through a divorce, or lost their life savings, or a loved one is dying of cancer, or they lost their job…
We all go through these bad phases…sooner or later. But like Wendi says…”THIS TOO SHALL PASS”.
…Yeah. Like a kidney stone! 🙂
Heh heh heh.
Friars last blog post..The Magic Time
I was just talking with someone about this this morning!
How I deal with my obstacles mostly depends on what kind of obstacles they are. But I know that I can’t even tackle any of them without the support of family, fellow bloggers, and even strangers sometimes.
Friar: I loathe the thought of you having such burdens. But I also understand that sometimes you don’t want to tell them for fear people are just going to give you the whole “cheer up mate and be like Timmy!” routine. Sometimes it’s nice, then, to just go for a beer with a good friend who will just listen or tell you they understand. I hope you get that, maybe even with Brett?
Stephs last blog post..Homework
Boy are we drinking from the same well today! Maybe our muses went out for tea or something!
@Friar, I had that year about a few years ago. The list of trials from job stuff, family illness and death, finances and relationship stuff just about did me in. It FEELS like if you could just crawl under a rock until the winds change all would be well.
I couldn’t. I was still a mom, a daughter, a person in need of paying the bills. I couldn’t quit. It wasn’t an option. And that’s when you just DO suck it up and keep on trudging.
When I was living alone in my first apartment at 16 with a baby I had a 3×5 card taped to my bedroom mirror with the following words on it.
It did. It will. It always does. As long as we are breathing there is hope.
Wendi Kellys last blog post..What is a Warrior
Hi Yvonne, aw shucks, thanks! *blushing madly* I have gained so much from following you and learning about business and blogging. Your encouragement is particularly appreciated!
Hi Karen
I think we learn as much from our mistakes and trials as from our successes. I can always count on you to offer something inspirational when I visit. Thank you.
Yvonne Russell (Small Biz Mentor)s last blog post..Celebrate National Ride To Work Day – July 16th
Robert, and true to my point to Friar – an encouraging word, a powerful reminder just when you need it! And the words of my absolute favorite apostle to boot! Thanks Robert!
OH, so true, Karen. Sometimes we all feel like getting off the merry go round for a while. Believe me, I’ve been there (as we all have!) But a trial-free life means no accomplishments, no rewards, no testimonies, and for that matter, no purpose, either.
I’m reminded, as always, of the words of Paul to the Galatians as he describes the whole armor of God: “… and, having done all, to stand!”
If you can do nothing else, do that; it’ll be enough.
Robert Hruzeks last blog post..Warning Signs: the Ugly Duckling Project
Friar, I know exactly what you mean! I have been enduring much of the same lately and wanting so much to hit that big stop button to get off. I have found that when you hit your weariest point, there is often a time of rest, a light, an encouraging word or sign that lifts you up and fuels you for the rest of the journey. I’m hoping for both of us and anyone else needing an obstacle-free time that it comes quickly.
Obtacles come in bunches. We might not have any for the longest period (years, or decades, even!) Then suddenly they might arrive all at once. Life’s like that.
When confronted with these challenges, I know that theoretically I’m supposed step up to the place and face them. Never give up. This will build my character. Think of this as a blessing in disguise, etc. etc. etc.
But you know, there can be too much of a good/bad thing. Sometimes you just get SO DAMNED TIRED, and you want a break.
I woudln’t mind being obstacle-free right now. Just for a little while, at least.
Friars last blog post..The Magic Time