- Image by jah~ off n on via Flickr
The sky blushed with soft shades of rose, clouds softly rolling in darkening the sun
A heart that was heavy lifted as emotions floated on the wind, I exhaled and the sky blushed.
Soft droplets of rain falling gently from the folds of lavender robes as a clap of thunder trumpeted the arrival of a majestic display of power and humility
Branches bowed low in worship, leaves danced in delight
Emotion seeped from hidden spaces, riding waves of tears pushing past floodgates of fear
The sky blushed and I exhaled.
Posted via web from Marketing, Musings and More from Karen Swim
Awww Keith, thank you for your lovely comment, I am now blushing rose. 🙂
Hi Karen
Super photo, super words.
Shades of rose is so much better than shades of red.
Love it – nuff said!
.-= Keith Davis´s last blog ..Flying in formation =-.
Hi Meryl! Thank you for that!
Joanna, lol, yes shhhh karenswim.wordpress.com and posterous are two of my “hiding” places. 🙂
There’s another secret blog…? 😉
.-= Joanna Paterson´s last blog ..A Simple Way to Cut Distractions =-.
That’s lovely, Karen. Perfect picture, too.
.-= Meryl K Evans´s last blog ..Links: Book Fair 2010 Edition =-.
Lillie, thank you so much, I was trying to post it to “my secret place” before I chickened out and it went everywhere, lol. God definitely has a sense of humor! 🙂
Encouraged by you Joanna, thank you! x
I already read this and acknowledged its beauty on your other blog, but I have to repeat it here. The photo makes it even better.
.-= Lillie Ammann´s last blog ..Thanks to March 2010 Commenters =-.
Beautiful Karen, thank you x
.-= Joanna Paterson´s last blog ..A Simple Way to Cut Distractions =-.