Written by Karen D. Swim
When it comes to blogging, there is no greater advice than planning (writing and scheduling) posts in advance. Develop your monthly calendar in advance and plan blocks of time to write. I could seriously be the poster child for the “before” of not planning. Actually, I do plan but then I forget where I put the plan, or change my mind. I write fragments of posts with every intention to finish them in advance but well you see how well that’s worked out! So listed below are my Top 10 reasons to avoid blogging procrastination:
- The “my dog ate it” excuse does not work for digital media
- Life happens and you really cannot control it
- Your fickle muse will disappear, forcing you to play Diner Dash when you really should be writing
- The sun will shine
- It will rain
- It will snow
- People will think you died, moved to Outer Mongolia or took a job directing traffic. They will wipe you from their feed readers and forget you existed.
- You will discover that Murphy and his law have decided to attach to your life like white on rice.
- The longer you wait, the worse you’ll feel adding to your overwhelming stress level
- You will miss your readers (reason enough!)
Any others to add to the list? Do you plan or wing it by the seat of your pants?