As I write this I am listening to the rumble of thunder. It begins as a low rolling drumbeat then rises to a crescendo of clattering cymbals ending in a brilliant flash of light that casts a blue glow across the room. The light fades and the drops fall softly in a steady rhythm. The flash of light is the perfect way to end this day.
The white hot flash from so many miles away yet shining so brightly in my living room is much like you and me. Our light bursts forth as we share our passions, ideas and knowledge with others. Sometimes our encounters are like the lightning, brief but powerful casting a glow far and wide.
In what I consider a timeless hallmark, Robert Hruzek writes: “I stared out the windows, searching for something, anything, that would tell me there was a world out there. My eyes began to strain, searching for a reference point. Then – in the distance below, I saw the most beautiful sight.
A light. One single light.” (Excerpt from “A Light in the Darkness”)
Last year, Joanna Young shared that post with me when I needed to hear that someone, anyone was listening. The words have not lost their impact these many months later.
The links we share, the stories we tell, the posts we write and yes even our tweets may cast their glow upon those we may never hear or see.
Rosa Say shared these words in an email:
“Me ke aloha pumehana e lokomaika’i (Translation per Rosa: when a warm fire of aloha begins to burn, one seeking to feed the spirit, for another’s generosity of good heart has caused us to awaken, feel, and better absorb. “
The beautiful Hawaiian words are an encouragement to not only share your light but the light of others. When you are moved, inspired or tickled pink by another pass it on. Generously spread the light of those around you and you are certain to be warmed by the glow.
I hope today you are warmed by the fire of aloha.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the post, the weather or anything that’s on your mind. It’s Friday after all. 🙂
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