Written by Karen D. Swim
It has been quite a week! I don’t know about you but I’m all for celebrating the half-way mark. For me it has been a week of being sifted and shaken from every direction. I wish I knew a great joke to share with all of you (come to think of it I could use a good joke in which er you know I’m not the butt of it, got any?), but instead let’s check in with the web happenings of the week.
Stacy Lukasavitz shared a great link this week on rap artist Eminem’s integrated marketing campaign. Like Stacy, I’m not a fan but read with interest how his marketing team is using traditional, social media and multimedia to promote his latest album. Give it a read and let me know your thoughts – weird or brilliant?
Kelly Erickson snags an interview with the author of When Growth Stalls, Steve McKee. Learn how Steve failed his way to success. Great insight and takeaways that we can all use.
Joanna Young returned from her spectacular writing retreat in Sardinia and pondered how to hold on to that balance. It is a timely, thought provoking piece as many of us attempt to pursue writing dreams, while funding our lives.
…and if you’re up for some great e-book reads, head over to Smashwords and pick up Flashy Fiction by George Angus and Poke it with a Sharp Stick by the man with the big hat and even bigger heart, Robert Hruzek.
How about you? Did you read, hear, see anything interesting, inspiring or just plain wild?
Karen Swim says
Hi Kelly! Last week was exhausting for me too! By week’s end I was finding it hard to drag myself out of bed. Collapse of Distinction arrived just in time! Pulled me right out of depression into thinking / action mode! Thank you so much!
Karen Swim says
Hi Annie, this sounds like a great book. I am always up for being inspired by those who have overcome obstacles in life. I’ll have to add this to my list!
Karen Swim says
Stacy, thanks for sharing great information! It is interesting that often what generates buzz internally differs from what interests consumers. However, if industry insiders are buzzing that transmits to greater publicity. I’m really interested to follow this and see the impact on album sales. It is creative but as you said we’ll have to wait and see if it is also effective.
Annie says
I just finished ‘The Great Eight’ by Scott Hamilton. He has experienced quite a bit of adversity in his life but writes about the eight ways anyone can go from tragedy to hope. A great read that is packed with inspiration.
Annie´s last blog post..The Doubters Club
Stacy says
Whoah! Wasn’t expecting to see my name in here! Thanks for the plug!
I find myself studying how many people/things I’m not a fan of utilize these tools into their campaigns, for case-study purposes and just because I’m just genuinely interested. Thus far my observations are that the campaign is getting more accolades in the PR/SM/Ad world than it’s actually working — but I can’t really even say that because I don’t have any idea how well the album is selling. It just seems lately that this is one of many campaigns where the press inside the bubble are falling all over themselves at how brilliant it is without actually looking at numbers or outcomes. Creative? Yes. Effective? I have no idea.
Stacy´s last blog post..blip.fm adds YouTube videos, indie musicians benefit BIG TIME
Kelly says
Ah, midweek! It has already been exhausting. Running over here is just what I needed to destress.
I adore George, so I’m off to check out Flashy Fiction right away, and keeping balance? Joanna, you got me. I need a reminder about that right now, too.
Thanks for the mention—that interview was a lot of fun to put together. I hope your readers will enjoy it!
Kelly´s last blog post..“We actually failed our way to success” —The Steve McKee Interview
Karen Swim says
Joanna, I’ll take that hug and offer a huge one back! 🙂
Joanna Young says
It is proving a wild week for me too… sorry, no jokes from me (I can never remember them!) but maybe a virtual hug will do instead…?
Joanna Young´s last blog post..How Writing Grows In a Group