Written by Karen D. Swim
I had a funny exchange with RhodesTer (well every exchange with RhodesTer ends in laughter) that started on Twitter and carried on to his blog. As blogs often go, the comments expand the topic and provide additional insight (or laughter!). RhodesTer wrote a tongue in cheek post (Warning, there is a graphic image at the top) about driving blog traffic and the subject matter that gets the google juices flowing. A comment by Kimota (JC) on the post had me falling down laughing and is the inspiration for this post.
Kimota noted that Superhero posts are proven traffic drivers (the Google kind, not the road rage variety). Yet people have been angered when they read a post and it did not tell them how to be a superhero. Seriously, people actually want to know how to be a superhero.
There is clearly a fascination with superheroes. Heck, even I have shamelessly adopted a Wonder Woman persona. The continuing popularity of comic books and recent spate of Superhero films (and remakes, sequels and prequels) provide further validation of this fascination.
Superheroes engage in the classic battle of good versus evil. We want good to win and validate our hope that in the end evil will not triumph. The aliens, villains and otherworldly often represent our own real life battles. Superheroes are good and kind. They help those in need and fight for the underdog. These are admirable qualities worthy of emulation.
Of course no discussion of superheroes would be complete without talking about super powers. Who among us has not fantasized about what it would be like to have a superpower? Super human strength, sight, invisibility, flying, stopping time – all cool stuff that we could use to battle the forces of our day-to-day lives. Imagine the possibilities if you had a super power!
So, how do you become a superhero? Oh yes, it is possible. Superheroes each have a unique gift and calling. Often they are portrayed as the outcasts of society called to a higher purpose. In truth, we are all outcasts, different, unique with our own special purpose. The typical superhero initially struggles with their gift but soon embraces it realizing that the good they can do is greater than their need to fit in with others.
You are a superhero when you tap into the power you already possess. Embrace it with confidence and unleash it upon the world. Go forth and slay dragons, knock out evil and do some good. You can, you know. In today’s world, you can even have superhero gadgets to help you in your quest. You don’t have to save the world to be a superhero but you do have to live an authentic life of purpose. Do you know yours?
Now it’s your turn. Have you identified your superpower? if you could have your choice, what power would you choose?
Wonder Woman image used for idientification purposes in accordance with fair use policy. All DC Comics characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks & Copyright © 2007 DC Comics, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.